The Six O’Clock Scramble Recap

I am much happier than I was at the end of the Relish! weeks. The website for The Scramble may not be as slick looking, but it is much more user friendly, with a set of videos showing you how to do EVERYTHING, with a great partnership with Ziplist to make sure you always have access to your grocery list if you depend on your smartphone, and try to go paperless. I have to admit I liked the free two week trial.

The meals were not spectacular. They were not “gourmet”. They were the kind of good solid recipes many families like to depend on week after week. None of the meals stood out to me, because they seemed so familiar to me – not that they were already in my database, but they all could have been.

The recipes featured whole foods, lots of seasonal fruits and veggies, and were fairly frugal. The recipes also had a very heavy vegetarian (or meat optional) bent. So much so that on Friday night, the kids actually cheered because there was meat. 🙂

I am definitely saving that Grecian Casserole, though. 🙂